Silver Artbars Featuring the Presidents of The United States

The Presidents of the United States have been commemorated on many silver bars produced by almost all the major mints.

Many of these are featured on this page. All are one troy ounce of fine silver unless otherwise stated.

In most cases you will be receiving the bar pictured and all are in mint condition unless otherwise noted.

Shipping & handling charges are added on at checkout and are based on the total amount of your order from our site (see chart at bottom of this page).

Sorry, but we do not accept international orders.

In many cases, we have only one each of these, so please do not order more than one of each without checking with us first.

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Miscellaneous Mints

 WWM-10 (1974)

George Washington

 WWM-10 George Washington Silver Bar


 WWM-10V (1974)

George Washington

 WWM-10V George Washington Silver Bar


 WM-17 (1973)

George Washington

 WM-17 George Washington Silver Bar


MEM-95G (1974)

Gerald R. Ford / Nelson A. Rockefeller

38th President and Vice President

24K Gold- Plated

MEM-95G  Gerald R. Ford / Nelson A. Rockefeller Silver Artbar


HAM-262 (1975)

Calvin Coolidge

1872 - 1933

HAM-262 (1975) Calvin Coolidge 1872 - 1933 Silver Artbar


HAM-251G (1975)

Ulysses S. Grant

(24K GP)

HAM-251G Ulysses S. Grant G/P Silver Artbar


HAM-239G (1976)

James Madison

(24K GP)

HAM-239G James Madison G/P Silver Artbar


HAM-243G (1976)

William H. Harrison

(24K GP)

HAM-243G Harrison G/P Silver Artbar


MAD-18 (1972)

Abe Lincoln

With Serial #

MAD-18 Abe Lincoln With Serial # Silver Artbar


COL-23 (1973)

Nixon-Tanaka, August 1973

Serial #01317

COL-23 (1973) Nixon-Tanaka, August 1973 Serial #01317


COL-23 (1973)

Nixon-Tanaka, August 1973

Serial #10

COL-23 Nixon-Tanaka Silver Artbar


KEN-13 (1970)

Dwight D. Eisenhower

20 Grams 

KEN-13  Dwight D. Eisenhower Silver Artbar


MAD-21 (1972)

Dwight D. Eisenhower

MAD-21 Harry S. Truman Silver Bar


KEN-1 (1970)

Dwight D. Eisenhower

25 Grams

KEN-1 Dwight D. Eisenhower Silver Bar


MAD-22 (1972)

Dwight D. Eisenhower

25 Grams

MAD-22  Dwight D. Eisenhower 25 Grams Silver Bar


WM-17 (1973)

Dwight D. Eisenhower

20 Grams

WM-17 Dwight D. Eisenhower 20 Grams silver bar


MAD-20 (1972)

Harry S. Truman

MAD-20  Harry S. Truman Silver Bar


MAD-20 V1 (1972)

Harry S. Truman

(V1: Madison Mint upside down on reverse)

MAD-20-V1 Harry S. Truman


MAD-39 (1973)

Lyndon B. Johnson

MAD-39  Lyndon B. Johnson Silver Artbar



John F. Kennedy

(You may get a different serial #)

MAD-16 John F. Kennedy Silver Artbar


MAD-17 (1972)

John F. Kennedy

No serial#, No Madison Mint on Rev.

MAD-17  John F. Kennedy Silver Bar


MAD-17V (1972)

John F. Kennedy

No serial#, Madison Mint on Rev.

MAD-17V John F. Kennedy No serial#, Madison Mint on Rev.


COL-8 (1973)

A Day To Remember

President John F. Kennedy

November 22,1963

(You may get a different serial #)

COL-8  A Day To Remember John F.Kennedy Silver Artbar


John F. Kennedy

2 Gram Pendant

Serial # 07544

John F. Kennedy 2 Gram Pendant Serial # 07544


COL-20 (1973)

John F. Kennedy

A Day of Remembrance

November 22,1963

Serial #1678

COL-20 John F. Kennedy A Day of Remembrance Silver Artbar Mishandled


COL-20 (1973)

John F. Kennedy

A Day of Remembrance

November 22,1963

Serial #1623

COL-20 John F. Kennedy A Day of Remembrance Silver Artbar Mishandled #1623



John F. Kennedy

Bicentennial Mini Bar

(Sterling Silver)

MINI-10 John F. Kennedy Bicentennial Mini Bar Sterling Silver Artbar


WI-27 (1974)

William & Helen Taft


WI-27 (1974) William & Helen Taft 1909-1913 Silver Artbar


WI-3 (1974)

John & Abigal Adams

WI-3  John & Abigal Adams Silver Bar


WM-6 (1973)

Lyndon B. Johnson


WM-6 Lyndon B. Johnson Silver Artbar


WM-6E (1973)

Lyndon B. Johnson

1908-1972 (Error)

 WM-6E Lyndon B. Johnson Silver Artbar


The Commemorative Medals and Coins of John F. Kennedy

 JFK Hi-Relief Silver Medal

Click here or on image to view selection

 Madison Mint's Presidential Cameo Silver Bars

Click here or on image to view Madison Mint's Presidential Cameo Bars

The Presidential Ingots in this table were minted in 1974 by the Danbury Mint.

They are stamped on the edge "24K Gold on One Troy Ounce Sterling" (silver).

These bars are in Gem proof condition.

George Washington

George Washington Gold-Plated Sterling  silver  one ounce bar


John Adams

John Adams Gold-Plated Sterling  silver  one ounce bar


Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson Gold-Plated Sterling  silver  one ounce bar


James Madison

James Madison Gold-Plated Sterling  silver  one ounce bar


James Monroe

James Monroe Gold-Plated Sterling  silver  one ounce bar


John Quincy Adams

John Quincy Adams Gold-Plated Sterling  silver  one ounce bar


Hamilton Mint's Presidential Silver Artbars


Click here or on image to view Hamilton Mint's Presidents Bars

MEM-95 (1974)

Gerald Ford & Nelson Rockefeller


MEM-95 Gerald Ford & Nelson Rockefeller Silver Artbar Original packaging


The Presidential artbars in this table were minted in 1973 by the Ceeco Mint to commemorate Presidential Campaigns.

There were 16 bars in this series.


Common Reverse except for Tyler (CEM-36)


1840 Campaign

William H. Harrison (W) over Martin Van Buren (D)

William H. Harrison - First President to die in office.

April 4, 1841

CEM-32 1840 Campaign William H. Harrison Silver Artbar



1884 Campaign

Grover Cleveland (D) over James G. Blaine (R)

One of the worst mud-slinging campaigns in American politics.

CEM-33 1884 Campaign Silver Artbar



1940 Campaign

Franklin Roosevelt (D) over wendell Willkie (R)

"Better a 3rd termer than a 3rd Rater"

CEM-34 1940 Campaign Silver artbar



1841 Inauguration

With the death of President Harrison on April 4, 1841 John Tyler took office April 6. There was no campaign

CEM-36 1841 Inauguration of Tyler silver artbar



1964 Campaign

Lyndon Johnson (D) over Barry Goldwater (R)

The Great Society

CEM-44 1964 Campaign Silver Artbar



1960 Campaign

John F. Kennedy (D) over Richard E. Nixon (R)

"New Frontier"

First Televised Debates

 CEM-45 1960 Campaign Silver Artbar


John Adams

2nd President (1797-1801)


5,000 Grains of Sterling Silver

9.6 Troy Ounces of Pure Silver

John Adams 5000 grain Sterling Silver Artbar


William Harrison

9th Prsident (1841)


5,000 Grains of Sterling Silver

9.6 Troy Ounces of Pure Silver

William Harrison 5000 grain Sterling Silver Artbar


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