Longines Symphonette America's Natural Legacy Series

Endangered Wildlife Sterling Silver Medal Set

Longines Sterling Silver Endangered Wildlife Set

Longines Sterling Silver Endangered Wildlife Set

 This beautiful set of Sterling Silver rounds depict 36 different forms of wildlife considered to be endangered in the wild. The medals were minted by The Wittnauer Mint and marketed by the Longines Symphonette. These sterling silver medals were minted in hi-relief with an antique silver finish. These medals are in mint, undamaged condition housed in custom frames with information sheets on each of the animals featured. The outer box or case, if there was one, is not available.

These sterling silver medals weigh 34-37 grams each and contain over one troy ounce of pure silver each. The complaete set contains over 36 ounces of pure silver. The medals are pictured larger than their actual size of 40mm. The edge of each medal is serial numbered with Longines Symphonette Sterling embeded in the edge.

Longines Symphonette Sterling

The individual medals in this set are pictured below.

We only have one set and will not break up the set

Typical Reverse of Wildlife Medals

 Longines Sterling Silver Endangered Wildlife Medal

The reverse of each medal contains a bit of information about the animal featured on the obverse.

Sterling Silver Endangered Wildlife Set

Sterling Silver Endangered Wildlife Set


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