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Shawn is Available for Pre-Buy Questions!!


9AM to 1PM Eastern Standard Time, Mon – Fri @ 704-791-9398


You can also email Shawn at 



*Earnings Disclaimer:


We have no idea what your work ethic is, how well you follow directions, or your intelligence level.  The averages we give are our own experiences.  We do not, and would never, guarantee a set income amount or that you’ll make money at all. Sorry, but there are too many ‘info junkies’ out there that buy programs and never apply them or don’t make a real effort.  Also, this is not a get rich quick program.  Further, we don’t know what the average file will be in your County.  Averages are from our experience, nationally.


We're trying to create an 'army' of disciplined, hardworking folks that want to make money and are willing to apply themselves.  If you are not sure if you have discipline or a strong work ethic, don't buy the program please. 


Contact Us

Mailing Address:

Attention GGC:

 1 Buffalo Ave #3306, Concord NC 28025

for purchase of programs, please include a certified check, money order or bank check, made out to 'the-results-team' and a note giving us your email address to send the ebook to, and the name of the course you are purchasing.